Board of Management
The Board of Management manages the school on behalf of the Patron and is accountable to the Patron and the Minister. The Board of Management adheres in full to the provisions of the ‘Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2023-2027 . Boards of Management are appointed for a four year term. Our present Board of Management is in office from 1st December 2023 to 30th November 2027.
Please note that the board members are nominees, not 'representatives', of their electorate. Any members of the school community wishing to bring suggestions or concerns to the attention of the Board should do so in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Management, for consideration at the next Board meeting.
The Principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school, including guidance and direction of the teachers and other staff of the school, and is accountable to the Board for that management.
The Board meets regularly during the school year. After each meeting, a report of the decisions of the Board is published.
CHAIRPERSON - Fr. Tom Kennedy
SECRETARY - Lucy Behan - Acting Principal
TEACHER REP - Mary Deegan
PATRON'S NOMINEE - Carole Dempsey
COMMUNITY REPS - Becky Caffrey
Ray O'Shaughnessy
PARENTS' REPS - Sylvia Storan
Stephen Berry
Agreed Board of Management Minutes, March 12th 2024
Agreed Board of Management Minutes, April 30th 2024